
Lina Rivera

Lina Rivera is a director, screenwriter and film critic. She has a degree in Audiovisual Communication and Multimedia from Universidad de La Sabana. She has participated in screenwriting and directing workshops with César Acevedo, Ruth Claudeli, Ricardo Coral and María Gamboa. She writes reviews for the Chilean online portal El Agente Cine and the Colombian film magazine Canaguaro. He participated in the critique workshop at BIFF 2021. His short documentary Alamar Skate; made in the fifth semester of his university career, was awarded in Mexico and Italy as best documentary at the Tlanchana Fest Festival de Cine y Arte Digital and Overtime Festival - Festival del Racconto, dell'Etica e del Giornalismo Sportivo; the project was also in the International Salon of Light in 2019 and obtained 16 international and national selections among which highlights the Guangzhou International Documentary Film Festival of China, DIVERSIDARTE Festival of inclusive arts of Spain, Festival of Common Memory FICMEC of Morocco, Melbourne Documentary Film Festival, Festival de Cine Tolima Ve y se Ve del, the Festival Itinerant Cine En Mi Barrio de Popayán and the FICCA Kunta Kinte de Cine Comunitario Afro in Medellín. With the script of the short film "Bestiario" she participated in Bogoshorts Incubadora 2019. His first fiction short film "Prologue and Epilogue", short film made in CONGO for being a winner in the Diploma in Directing 2021, was a Semifinalist in the Shanghai International Short Week 2023 and in the official selection of the Serbest International Film Festival. He works directing music videos in his production company Cineopia, where the music video Tu Voz by Pablo Flare has been selected to participate in the official competition of the Women in Film and Television and Ekurhuleni International Film Festival, and has been selected in Bogota Music Video with Abono by Bumayé, Run Away Together by Maan Osgo and Your Room by Briela Scott winner of the Audience Award. She is also in the development stage of the short film "Los Supervivientes", recently selected in the official competition of In Vitro Bogoshorts Film Market 2023.

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In a virtual extraterrestrial world, a woman of a stylized and rustic race is summoned to embark on a cosmic journey that will transform her into the symbol of posthumanism.